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Guiding principles

The NILE.journeys operates from a set of principles that guide the flow and the rhythm of its endeavors.

Being with the land
We treat land with respect, we regenerate and care for nature and honor all forms of life. We contribute to enhance Life on Land (SDG15) and Life below Water (SDG14). We are conscious of our impact and act responsibly (Climate Actions (SDG13)).

Witnessing the subtle
We take the time to slow down and allow ourselves to hear the voices and signals of all sentient beings and information of any corner of the system from the edge to the center however small or big they may be. We trust that live surrounds us beyond that what our ears and eyes can perceives.

Listening loudly
We listen with an open mind and heart. We allow ourselves to engage in authentic relationships with each other and our surrounding. We are present to what is and approach each other and life with curiosity and humbleness.

Celebrating diversity
We see the beauty and wisdom in all different forms of life and invite the uniqueness of each one to cross pollinate the others. We embrace the African concept of Ubuntu: the belief in a deep universal bond of sharing that connects all beings.

Illuminating multiple stories
We welcome all stories that shape the history and heritage of a land, a person a community or an entire ecosystem. This allows us to gain multiple perspectives, also being mindful of what we might not be aware of.


Cultivating deep trust
Our human soil is rich in stories and experiences. In order to keep it alive, fertile and supportive for all trust is the nurturing conditions that we strive to foster at all times. We therefore give rise to environments where peace and fair practices can flourish for all (Peace and Justice (SDG16)).

Connecting trans-locally
By weaving across existing and perceived boundaries we strengthen our shared resilience and enable new narratives to emerge and new stories to be lived. We reconnect with each other and come into our shared humanity.


Transitioning collectively
We believe that the challenges we face can only be met with joint efforts. In order to transition regeneratively together we enable each other to be present, hold space for healing to emerge, welcoming the not knowing and tap into our collective wisdom.

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